Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening

Whitening your teeth can transform your both your smile and your confidence.

The Earl Shilton Dental Practice offers teeth whitening treatments which allows you to control the process following the guidance of your dentist.

Whether your teeth have discoloured through ageing or they’re stained by food, drinking or smoking, whitening can improve the appearance of the teeth by removing surface stains and lightening the shade of the tooth without removing any of the tooth surface.

However not all patients are suitable for whitening treatment and you will firstly be assessed to ensure that your gums and teeth are healthy before you start.

What happens during teeth whitening treatment?

What happens during teeth whitening treatment?

  • We offer tray whitening which is a treatment you can use whilst in the comfort of your own home. We first take an impression of your mouth to create customised clear trays for you to wear.
  • Your custom made whitening trays will be ready for collection in approximately a week.
  • Tooth whitening works more affectively when the trays are worn over night for two weeks. Alternatively they can be worn during the day but a different whitening gel is used.
  • Topping up your whitening occasionally every 6-12 months is a short, straight forward process which will help maintain your new whiter smile. Please ask you dentist for details.

Tooth whitening is a safe non-invasive procedure.  There is no evidence to suggest that whitening courses any long-term problems to the teeth although some patients complain of an increase in tooth sensitivity during treatment which can usually be controlled using sensitivity–based toothpastes.  Most side effects are usually temporary and should disappear within a few days of the treatment finishing.

For further information on any of these services or to book an appointment, contact us on 01455 842941

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    Earl Shilton Dental Practice
    128 Wood Street, Earl Shilton
    Leicester, LE9 7ND
    Free On-Road Parking